This year, Instagram has introduced many innovations related to the IGTV platform. It introduced IGTV thumbnails into the main feed as well as horizontal video views, worked on linking IGTV with Facebook Watch, changed the length of IGTV videos, and allowed you to create a series of videos. They are preparing further improvements for 2020 and are currently testing a new video layout in IGTV.
In the picture below you can see the current layout of an IGTV channel, where the first recommended video is displayed on the main page in a horizontal form. Below that is other content in smaller previews. In the Watch, Popular, and History categories, you’ll see selected videos in a vertical layout.

In the new layout, the grid structure has disappeared, all content is divided into a vertical scrolling list and more categories have been added. Below the preview, you’ll see part of the video description, profile name, and the number of views. Topic categories should help increase user engagement with new content by making it easier for users to find videos they might be interested in.

To get more inspiration on how to use IGTV, read our How To Use IGTV Channels and Tips for a Successful IGTV Channel guide.