An all new catalogue manager will soon be available to all Facebook marketers

23. 12. 2017

Catalogue manager, a powerful tool for all advertisers that work with Dynamic Ads gets a long-awaited update with more capabilities and an easy to navigate user interface.

As a Facebook ads advertiser working with product catalogue ads and collection ads you might have found the previous catalogue manager far more difficult to navigate through and a more time-consuming process to create a product catalogue. This has now changed.

What’s new in the updated Catalogue Manager

You can find the new, updated Catalogue Manager in .

What you will see by visiting the above link is:

A view on of all the catalogues you have access to. The table offers a quick view on information about the type of the catalogue (products, flights, hotels, properties and cars), the account under which the catalogue can be found, the number of items in it and lastly, but very important – diagnostics info about the “health” of your product catalogue.

Better error messages and cleared actions when uploading a new feed. Every error is clearly explained as to what the significance of the error is and there is clarification provided for what a feed is, introduction of new feed templates and explanation on single and scheduled feed uploads.

Guidance in the steps that should be taken next. Upon performing an action such as creating a new feed, you will receive recommendations for the next steps.

Updated Help Centre resources right in the interface. Upon clicking on any link in Help Centre, the article will open up in a sidebar, so you don’t have to leave Catalogue Manager experience.

A very helpful update for all advertisers who utilise dynamic product ads. Regarding the process of creating a product catalogue nothing significant has changed. Interested in trying out Catalogue Manager? Here is our tutorial on how to get started with Dynamic Product Ads.

In Business Factory, I work as a Facebook Marketing specialist helping both Czech and international clients to enhance their Facebook advertising efforts. For you, I wear my data-glasses and creative ideas-hat and share with you the tips, suggestions and tutorials that will help you step up your Facebook marketing game.


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