Instagram has a long-standing fight against inappropriate content and users who do not adhere to the platform community policy. Now it is introducing a new tool where accounts that are in the pre-ban phase will receive a new alert from Instagram as a warning.
The alert will show users a history of their activity that has violated community policies. It will include a list of deleted posts, comments, Stories and a reason why Instagram has removed their content. In addition, Instagram will notify users that their account will be deleted if they continue to violate the platform’s rules.
Instagram gives users the opportunity to appeal their decision, which they can do directly through the alert tool. Only certain types of content, such as hate speech or images deleted for nudity, can be appealed at an early stage. Gradually, however, Instagram plans to expand this list.
The new tool will help users understand what they are doing wrong and why Instagram has removed their content. Accounts that are unaware of the violations will have time to correct them. It won’t happen that they don’t know why their account has suddenly disappeared; Instagram will provide them with sufficient information in advance through this warning.