Klear has released a new report on how Instagram marketing is doing on Instagram. They analyzed over 3 million collaborative posts and uncovered key trends and facts. Let’s take a look.
The data shows that influencer marketing is booming. For example, the number of Instagram posts with the #ad hashtag, which marks the brand-influencer’s partnership, increased by nearly 50% this year.

This is not surprising. Instagram is growing and so is its number of users, so it makes it more and more meaningful for companies to be here. Want to know what’s popular now? Read on – some other facts from Klear’s analysis might inspire you.
The vast majority of Instagram influencers are women. This is no surprise either, as Instagram is visual in nature and is ideal for the fashion industry, which attracts women in particular. But the difference between the number of female and male influencers is unusually radical. This trend goes hand in hand with the fact that women also predominate in the user category.

In terms of age, Instagram influencers are mostly young. Their average age ranges from 25 to 34 years. You might have expected even younger people, but the truth is that in order to break through on a business level, influencers need to gather some experience, and that usually comes with age.

Unsurprisingly, the TOP area with the largest amount of posts from influencers is also fashion. Influencers are often involved in travel, fitness, beauty, art, parenting, gastronomy, music, interior design and wellness.

Klear has also researched the use of Instagram Stories. These are also becoming increasingly popular within influencer marketing. Maybe it’s the right time to start to using them well, before the competition rises even more.

In the report you will find even more data and trends, so download it and get inspired. And if you’re interested in more detailed information, Klear has released another report that specifically tracks Instagram Stories performance among influencers.