Every year new strategies come into play in social media. There is nothing surprising about that – the recipients/users and their expectations change, and marketers need to adjust accordingly. Are you interested in how to build engagement on Facebook in 2019? Here are the 3 most important factors you should consider.
Today I will focus on 3 basic questions regarding the increase and maintaining the engagement of users on Facebook. The data comes from a huge publication from Buzzsumo, which contain the analysis of over 777 Facebook posts published last year.
What form of content is the best for generating engagement
We have talked about this before, and Buzzsumo results are not surprising. Most engaging content for the viewers is Video. The efficiency rating of this format is steadily growing for a couple of years, getting ahead of others even twice as much. On average, it exceeds other formats by 59%. See for yourself.

Most successful post format; source: BuzzSumo
As you can see, it is worth investing in this type of content. To fully utilize the video format, make content not only as standard posts but also as Facebook stories, live streaming, or Facebook watch.
““Rather than increasing the volume of your Facebook posts to try and get more reach and engagement… publish fewer posts and focus on the ROI of each individual post.” Furthermore, to maximise engagement using the various content types, Mari suggests a “content type ratio for 2019” at “70% video posts, 20% image posts and 10% link posts. Video and image posts can still include links and CTAs.” – Mari Smith, Facebook Marketing Expert”
Which time of the day is the best for publishing your content?
This precise question is one of the most asked questions. Sure, we could just tell you a time, and maybe it even would work. The truth, however, is that the best time to post will be different, depending on the case. It is strictly connected with the receivers group and their behaviour, and the timetable.
It’s good to have some data that could be your base for further analysis. Thanks to the report, we have access to it – the best time for publishing posts is from 21:00 – 23:00. Precise day? Saturday and Sunday. We recommend however to test this assumption on your own.
Best time to publish; source: BuzzSumo
How long Facebook posts should be?
A question that is asked by probably most of us. 2019 is all about “less is more”. Recommended post length is 50 characters. Video length, however, would be between 3 – 5 minutes. So called “sweet spot” – 3:20.
Optimal post length; source: BuzzSumo
Optimal video length; source: BuzzSumo
Do not take anything for granted
Social media is constantly changing. The most important thing is to test. Sure, you can use the knowledge contained in research and results, but adapt it to your business, your audience, and goals that you want to achieve.