Today is a big day for Facebook Page and group admins! Facebook rolled out a new feature that will automatically translate your Facebook posts.
Facebook had released a feature back in 2016 through which Page managers could write multiple versions of a post in different languages, and display the most relevant to their fans based on their Facebook app settings. This new “upgrade” will automatically translate your Page’s or group’s status updates for you in any number of languages to help reach your audience in their native language.
To use this feature head over to your Facebook Page and create a new post (text, photo, or link posts) in your native language and click on the “Write post in another language” option.
Next, click on “Select” and choose the language that you’d like to translate the post in. Have in mind that you can choose no more than three languages!
Although Facebook provides users with an auto-translate feature in order to view status updates in their mother tongue, they don’t tend to be very accurate and most of the time they give the reader the feeling of a “bad” (auto)translation. This is why Facebook allows you to edit them so you can make them more accurate or to add any additional info.
After a post has been published, you can even go back and add another language retrospectively.
Do you have this new feature on your Facebook Page and/or group?