Facebook enriches the event’s function with new tools to organise the schedule of the action better. This slight improvement should help potential participants understand when it is appropriate for them to come up with the event.
A new feature will be available in Events, in the Details section, where you can set the exact schedule for your event. This tool will be beneficial for companies that organise events such as fairs, concerts, and conferences. Participants will then be able to select the part of the program they wish to attend.
Another improvement is adding free or paid entry information to the event list.
The ticket section will also be upgraded to inform potential event-goers:
- If the ticket will be paid directly to the event.
- If the users will be redirected to a site where they can buy tickets.
- Whether the users will be referred to Messenger for further information on how to obtain tickets.
Those interested in the event will receive clear information available in one place without having to wander onto the organizer’s website.