Realtors rejoice! Facebook has expanded its Dynamic Ads to Real Estate giving real estate marketers the possibility to promote a home’s price, availability and bedroom count to people who have browsed their site or app.
Looks like Dynamic Ads for retailers yield impressive results that made Facebook make it available to realtors. From now on, you can create a Product Catalogue containing listings accompanied by name, description, image, URL, number of beds and baths, price as well as property type, region, address and country, among others.
These listings will be “converted” into ads and will appear in the Facebook and Instagram feeds of people who had viewed similar listings on the realtor’s site or app.
Facebook enables advertisers to optimise delivery to people who are more likely to take a specific action within your app or website such as search, view listing or contacting an agent about a listing.
For more information on how to automatically promote your home listings through Dynamic Ads see Facebook’s Developer Documentation.