Challenge Accepted
Sending and receiving large image files and ad copy in group e-mails,
The information flow from the product team to campaign executives required to announce and process updates.
About Souq
This Is How We Do It
Sheet Columns
- Category
- ID
- Title (used as a headline in the creative)
- Post text (used for the copy above the image in the creative)
- Description text (shown below the headline)
- Destination URL
- Destination URL with UTMs (automatically adding UTM with product ID)
- Image URL
- Targeting gender
- Targeting language
Seamless Collaboration
Audience Testing
Automatic Rules
Clear Results
Do It Yourself
Learn to set up your own E-commerce campaigns using only Google Sheets with this 5-Step Guide.
New Beginnings – Testimonial
The main benefit of running campaigns on ROI Hunter is the simplicity and time effectiveness of the new workflow. We have 100% control over the content we promote. We can change any part of the creative or stop any of the campaigns at any time by simply updating the Google Sheet. With 65% less time spent on advertising campaign management, we have been able to effectively redistribute our marketing efforts, dedicating our time to creating the best deals on the market.
Warrick Godfrey, Senior Regional Marketing Director, Souq