With Valentine’s day approaching, Facebook advertisers need to be creative in order to utilise this consumer holiday to boost their business this quarter. We went through our data from 2018 based on 32 business in the floral industry to see what worked for them.
Prior to the “Valentine’s Day period” we had two ad campaigns with up to 30 ad sets that ran constantly. One targeted toward men, with varying visuals and copy depending on age, and another for women. During Valentine’s Day campaigns, we shifted all ad budget to target men primarily with varying rose ad sets depending on demographics. With the majority of the Valentine’s Days conversation taking place on mobile we wanted to use this to our advantage to reach out to our target audience and help them take immediate action “right here, right now”. To help achieve our goal we utilised Facebook Click-to-Call ads.
The winning strategy
We created several campaigns that included a significant amount of Facebook Click-to-Call ads because of more people browsing Facebook on mobile as well as being on a time crunch to order a gift by those dates. When users are averaging up to 19% of their daily phone time on Facebook, and more around the holidays to see what other users are planning, you have a very receptive audience that is already in purchase mode.
The ad targeting we used around these dates is more geographically localized, so within 5 miles or less of the POP. This gives us 3 options in the ad for conversions. The Call Now CTA button, the website link that directs to a dozen roses ordering page, and the option for a user to physically stop into a shop which generally creates a much higher sales point when a florist is giving suggestions.
Retargeting in the floral industry is, of course, helpful, but not so much a necessity around holidays that generate revenue so easily. We also increased ad frequency as it began getting closer to the 14th (increased from 3-5 times a week to 10-14).
A dozen roses around Valentine’s day can average $150 an order, and that’s on the lower end without any add-ons.
Crafting engaging copy
We used our ads as a point of necessity. The consumer is running out of time, they always have their phone with them, and the Call Now ads made it easy for them to call and make the order instead of having to go through the steps on the mobile site.
We also would have ad sets at the beginning of the campaign that reminded audiences that if they ordered their flowers early, they could essentially lock in a Pre-Valentine’s Day price. We wanted to create a feeling of necessity and consequence in the user while being able to help them solve that problem immediately.
Generating amazing results
Throughout the dates of January 24th through February 14th, we used a budget of almost $300,000 across 45 ad sets. Our CTR nearly tripled, the total click ratio on the Click-to-Call Now ads was around 58%, and after we finished looking through the analytics, we had 427% ROI. Our YOY total revenue across the board also increased 18% from the previous year Valentine’s Day campaigns which focused primarily on website targeting.
The key to having a user take action during Valentine’s Day specifically was to create an emotional response quickly. They needed to feel like they were getting the best flowers available or that they were not going to be able to get them at all, and that their relationship would have some undesired conversations if they didn’t act now.