Organic products, whether cosmetics, detergents or food, are very popular among consumers nowadays. However, it is sometimes more about marketing rather than real quality of the product. That is why dm Drogerie markt – a well-known drug stores chain in Czech Republic – decided to convince its customers of great quality of their organic products. The campaign management was once again entrusted to Business Factory with whom dm Drogerie markt has been cooperating for a long time.
The goal of this campaign was to reach as many users interested in healthy nutrition as possible and raise awareness of dm bio brand among them.
I know what I buy: dmBio
In DM drugstores you can always be sure to find the right ingredients that come from ogranic farming and that take into account special needs (e.g. gluten-free diet). DM has also made some great video recipes for healthy and tasty meals which can be prepared with their products.
Those video recipes were the base for our campaign. Thanks to the cooperation with Brandformance – a digital agency for brand campaigns that is connected to Business Factory – we were able to use the combination of promo post on our Facebook page Jen Ženy (that is dedicated to women and has nearly 840 000 fans) and standard campaign on Facebook. The whole communication was, therefore, divided into 2 parts.
Video seeding on Jen Ženy’s Facebook page
Our colleagues from Brandformance chose 3 video recipes that are most likely to have success among Jen Ženy fans. The goal was to have at least 500 000 video views in total.
We managed to meet our goal 126 %. After that, we created a custom audience out of video views and used it in the next phase of the campaign.
Facebook Ads
In order to test all the brand formats available, we divided our FB campaign into three parts:
- Brand Awareness – our KPI for this part was “Estimated Recall Lift” – a metric that shows how many people are likely to remember our ad even after 2 days. Estimated increase of brand recall was more than 30 000 people.
- Reach – In order to address as many people in our target group as possible we created a slideshow. Users were then redirected to YouTube video showing the whole recipe, which increased the traffic for this channel as well. We managed to reach almost 500 000 relevant people.
- Remarketing – thanks to custom audiences made out of video views we could easily remarket people that saw all three videos. Those people were sent to dmBio’s website where they could find more information about the products. The remarketing campaign was optimised for website clicks and we focused mainly on the quality of users visiting the page. In the end, we had 7 000 website visits from high quality target group.
The whole dmBio campaign had a great success. Utilizing the potential of the facebook community, which was followed by collecting data about users who interacted with our content, is unique for brand campaigns of this format. Thanks to different optimizing strategies we were able to reach almost 80 % of relevant users in our target group.