106x higher ROI for a travel agency using Facebook Dynamic Product Ads

17. 7. 2019

Invia, the biggest online tourist agency in Czech Republic provides people in the Czech and Slovak market offers from over 300 tour operators. During their 12 years of operation they’ve served over 1 million satisfied clients ensuring lowest price possible.

Invia decided to expand their Adwords reach by bringing Facebook in their marketing mix. Their goal was to reach over 4,5 mln Czech people already present on the platform.

Utilising Facebook Dynamic Product Ads

Impressive results that we obtained within first 2 months are “living” proof of huge potential of Facebook’s DPA. Our primary goal was to target people who think about holidays and actively look for offers but haven’t decided yet where to go. Secondary goal was to save as much time as possible on Invia’s ad optimization and management. We strived to show that Facebook can generate high ROI and Facebook DPA ads are really effective.  


Setting up Facebook Dynamic Ads for a travel agency

We worked together with Invia to segment website visitors by product category and time since last visit. In the next phase we used Facebook DPA to show those visitors actual offer from catalogue (using XML file). Catalogue contained high-quality pictures, discounts and texts adjusted to user’s country.

Using Facebook custom audience and Google Analytics data ROI Hunter was able to find the best offer to show to each of previously defined segments.

We also run multiple A/B tests of our ads to check which resonates better among our segments. A/B tests in general are designed to help determine how single change made on website influences conversion rate.


travel agency facebook ads

Results of those tests were then used to either remove underperforming ads or double down on best ones. Thanks to integration with Google Analytics Invia’s marketers were able to fully track ads performance and control the budget. Facebook DPAs proved to be the most efficient of all types of ads used.



It’s worth noting that difference between  old, no-DPA Facebook campaigns and new ones that fully utilized DPAs capabilities were significant (in favor of DPA).


As editor at Newsfeed I am responsible for getting the most interesting news and practical tutorials that will move you a little further and also the case studies that will inspire you to achieve even better results.


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